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WhatsApp is causing danger, users must keep these five things in mind

WhatsApp has now become one of the most widely used instant messaging apps worldwide. The platform has gained particular popularity as it is possible to stay connected with potential customers through its ‘Business’ section, along with family and friends. In addition, the owner company Meta is importing new features day by day, and the number of users continues to rise every year. But as the saying goes, ‘extreme popularity can also bring danger’. Something similar is happening with WhatsApp now.

In fact, this app has become one of the most common means of scamming or cheating people for hackers. Often new methods are constantly tricking WhatsApp users. In this case, some cybercriminals are not only content with stealing money, but are also blackmailing by stealing personal data. So those of you who use WhatsApp as a means of communication, always be aware and avoid falling into the trap of scammers. In this report, we will discuss 5 WhatsApp scams that will keep you safe if you are aware of them.

Users most affected by these 5 WhatsApp scams –

1. Urgent messages to friends or family:

It’s normal to feel anxious when you receive an urgent message from a friend or family. But now there is a scam going on in WhatsApp, where hackers will try to steal huge money from you by breaking your name. Let me explain the matter a little more. Messages are sent from unknown numbers on WhatsApp claiming that the user’s friends or family are in danger. The situation is very bad and money will be asked. Again, some criminals are using deepfake video and audio technology to avoid raising suspicion in the victim’s mind. So avoid such messages. Before transferring money in need, confirm the identity of the person and try to contact the person whose name is being requested.

2. Fake QR Code:

If you ever receive a message from an unknown number claiming to have won the lottery or asking for a donation, and asking you to scan a picture of a QR code, be extra careful. Because these are scamming messages. After scanning the QR code you will be redirected to a phishing website. Where personal information will be requested If you fall into this trap, your bank account can be empty in minutes.

3. Bank Representative Impersonation Scam:

You may have noticed that there are messages or phone calls from various banks to open an account or apply for a credit card. But almost similar messages are coming on WhatsApp as well. If the difference is, these types of messages are not sent by banks but by scammers. In such scams, cybercriminals pretend to be representatives of a reputable financial institution and try to lure in various banking benefits. If you are tempted to share your personal information or One Time Password (OTP), no one can stop you from getting scammed. Let it be known that this same type of scamming is being carried out on WhatsApp in the name of giving jobs.

4. Tempting gifts:

A scam has been running on WhatsApp for days, where personal information is being stolen with the lure of winning expensive gifts like electronic devices, cars, home appliances, etc. In this case, a message is being sent to the messaging app, which first mentions giving a gift. Then you are instructed to click on the given link to make this gift in your name. If you click on such unknown links, you will be sent to a phishing website. Hackers then steal access to all data by executing malicious code on the device. So forget not to be tempted by any such offer.

5. Donation Scam:

In this kind of WhatsApp scam, hackers will ask you to donate in the name of any noble cause. If you agree, a link to a phishing website will be provided. Although such websites look legitimate, they are actually carriers of malware. So avoid such messages and don’t click on any unknown links. Or you have to get involved in the web of fraud.

Mayank Gupta
Mayank Gupta
Greetings! I am Mayank Kumar Gupta, a passionate content writer with a strong background in technology. Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Technology (B.Tech), I combine my technical knowledge with my love for writing to create insightful and engaging tech content.


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