Two-wheeler electric car manufacturing company Charpaye employee join! Recently Ola Electric (Ola Electric) has introduced the netizens with a special member named ‘Bijlee’ in their office. The company’s CEO Bhavish Agarwal released the identity card with Bijli’s picture on his Twitter handle. Which is now viral on social media. The word Bijli literally means “electric”. Since Ola Electric Scooter is now the largest e-scooter company in the country, the name has been chosen from that thought.
Bijlee is the new CEO at Ola Electric’s office
Many people praised Bijli’s ID card on Twitter. They gave enough praise to Ola for this work. Bijli’s ID card is written as employee code – 440V i.e. 440 volts. It is actually intended to be the voltage of the electrical system. Bijli’s blood group is written instead – PAW+ve. The card mentions Koramangala office in Bangalore as the address. Which means Bijli is the staff of this office.
Also, this ID card mentions Slack as Bijli’s preferred communication medium. Businesses rely on Slack to share a variety of information. The matter has been added to the ID card as a joke. Finally, the name of Bhavish’s office is written in the place of emergency contact. In other words, if you want to contact Bijli, you have to go to the house of the CEO of the company.