Vivo is gearing up to launch the Vivo X100s smartphone as the next addition to their X100 series. While the Vivo X100 model came with the MediaTek Dimensity 9300 chipset, the upcoming Vivo X100s model is expected to feature the superior Dimensity 9300 Plus processor. Vivo had earlier announced that the Vivo X100s phone will be 7.8mm slim. And now the brand has shared some hands-on images, which highlight its premium design. Let's find out what Vivo's upcoming flagship handset will look like.
Hands on image of Vivo X100s phone has been released
The fact that the Vivo X100S model is 7.8 mm slim is quite interesting. If you look closely, most of the recently launched flagship phones are more than 8mm thick. There upcoming Vivo phone is quite slim compared to them. Incidentally, the predecessor Vivo X100 handset launched almost a year ago is 8.5mm thin. Although the Vivo X100S phone may not have the same flashy camera specifications as the Ultra model, its slim design will undoubtedly provide users with a comfortable hand-held feel.
Incidentally, many Android smartphone manufacturers are now moving away from curved displays. Vivo is also in that group. They will also use a flat display in the Vivo X100S model. However, the X100 variant had a curved display. Using a flat display can help reduce the thickness of the device, so choosing a flat display is definitely a good move. The Vivo X series has also joined the flat display trend with the Vivo X100S handset, as the last generation X90S model came with a curved screen.
Note that the Vivo X100s model has been displayed in at least two color options in the official Vivo images. The rear of the phone houses a large camera array, while the right side of the frame houses the combined power and volume buttons. The Vivo X100s phone will soon debut in the market alongside the Vivo X100s Pro and Vivo X100 Ultra (or Vivo X100s Ultra) handsets.