Jio recently launched a great prepaid plan of Rs 2025 with 200 days validity, which offers 2.5GB data, unlimited calls. But this plan is brought by the company for smartphone users. Meanwhile, a few days ago the company also brought a unique plan of Rs 1234 for Jio Bharat phone users. The validity of this plan is 336 days. That is, here Jio Bharat Phone (Jio Bharat Phone) users can stay tension free for about 11 months by recharging only once. Let's take a look at the benefits of this budget-friendly recharge plan from Jio
Jio Bharat Phone 1234 Prepaid Plan
As mentioned earlier, Reliance Jio's Rs 1234 plan is only for Jio Bharat phone users. The validity of this plan is 336 days. That is, according to the price and duration, the daily cost here will be 3.67 rupees. In this plan, customers will get 300 SMS for every 28 days. 0.5GB data is also available here. Like other Jio plans, this plan also offers unlimited calls to any number in India.
Besides, customers will also get free national roaming facility. As an added benefit, this plan offers subscription to Jio TV, Jio Cinema and Jio Cloud.
336 days plan for smartphones
For smartphone users, Jio has come up with a budget-friendly prepaid plan of Rs 1899. The validity of this plan is 336 days. The daily cost of this plan will be Rs 5.65 as per the validity and price. Plus unlimited calling on all networks, total 3600 SMS and total 24GB data. This plan is ideal especially for those who want to keep their SIM active for a long time, using less data.