Yamaha FZ-S FI Version 4.0 DLX has been launched in India in a pair of attractive color options. The bike will now be available in two new colors – Fluo-Vermilion and Cyber ​​Green. Yamaha has kept the price the same for both the models and that is Tk 1,29,700 (ex-showroom). Notably, the bike will also be available in Majesty Red, Racing Blue, Matte Black and Metallic Gray paint schemes as before.
Yamaha FZ-S FI Version 4.0 DLX gets new color options
The fluo-vermillion colored Yamaha FZ-S FI Version 4.0 DLX bike has a white fuel tank, body panels with black accents and orange alloy wheels. The tail section and fenders are given a black finish. The Yamaha MT-15 V2 Ice Fluo-Vermillion has a lot in common with this theme in terms of looks.
On the other hand, the Cyber ​​Green color model of the Yamaha FZ-S FI Version 4.0 DLX has olive color on the side panels of the fuel tank, tail section and headlight cowl. Black and fluorescent yellow accents are present on the fuel tank. The rim has a fluorescent yellow color rim. Which is reminiscent of the battle green Yamaha FZ-S launched in 2013.
Yamaha FZ-S FI Version 4.0 DLX has not made any changes in the technical or features except the color. As before it will run on a 149 cc, single cylinder, air cooled engine. Which will produce 12.4 PS of power and 13.3 Nm of torque. The bike has competitors in the Indian market – Bajaj Pulsar N160, TVS Apache RTR 160, Hero Xtreme 160R, Honda SP160 and Suzuki Gixxer.