Vu Cinema Smart Tv launched in Indian Market in two variants, the company has revealed a 32 inch smart TV in HD Quality and 43 inches Smart TV in Full HD Quality. The smart TV launched exclusively on Flipkart, the 32 inches Smart TV with HD resolution variant costs 12,999 and 42 inch Smart TV with Full HD variant costs 21,999.
VU Cinema Smart TV Specification
The 32 inches Smart TV variant features a 1366×768 pixel HD LED Screen and 43 inches Smart TV variant features a 1920×1080 pixel Full HD Screen. The Company uses an IPS high bright panel instead of Normal one in their Smart TV due to which both of the Smart TV ensures brightness across all the edges and corners.
The Smart TVs have an inbuilt 40W soundbar with 4 speakers which is capable of providing immersive sound experience to their users because of Dolby processing Audio. “Dolby Audio Processing optimizes overall sound quality by increasing bass, making dialog clear and natural, and widening the sound field.
This TV comes with a single-package solution for decoding all universal audio content available worldwide. Supported Dolby Audio formats are Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Pulse.” According to the company claim.
As mentioned earlier both TV comes with Smart functionality, The Smart TVs run on Android 9.0 which allows users to access Google Android services like Google play store, YouTube, Google Maps, and other certified streaming apps like Hotstar and Amazon Prime. The Smart TVs come with ActiveVoice remote which allows users to search the content on TV using voice commands.
Vu Cinema Smart Tv offers connectivity with both iOS and Android Smartphones along with a built-in Google Chromecast feature. There is enough ports support like HDMI port, RCA port, USB port, and LAN port. Bluetooth 5.0 and Wi-fi support is also there. Vu Cinema Smart Tv is powered by 64-bit quad-core processor and comes with 1GB of Ram and 8GB of internal storage. The Smart Tv will be available on Flipkart from 23rd June.