Home News How to use bold, italic and strikethrough format in YouTube comments

How to use bold, italic and strikethrough format in YouTube comments

Comments can be made in bold, italic and strikethrough formats on the YouTube platform. For which you have to follow some steps.


Video streaming platform YouTube is known in the world for video content. Along with watching videos on this platform, people also comment on videos. If you also use this platform. Looking for some unique formula to comment here, then let us tell you that comments can be made in bold, italic and strikethrough format on this platform. For which you have to follow some steps. Come, let us give you complete information about it in the post.

how to make your comments bold on youtube

The method of commenting in bold format on YouTube is very easy. For this some special character has to be used. That is, if you want to write bold text in YouTube comment, then you have to use asterisks have to be used. If you understand as an example, then whatever text you want to bold, you have to write * before and after it.

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* Your video is funny * Your text will become bold if you write like this. Which will later look like the text given below.

your video is funny

The thing to note is that if you want to put full stop after your text then definitely use space otherwise your text will appear in bold with *. Let us know that if you want to use bold text in the description as well as in the comment section, then this method will also work.


how to italicize text on youtube

A special character is also used to italicize text on YouTube. If you want to italicize your YouTube comment, then you have to use the underscore character after the comment.

To be understood as an example, if you want to write that your video is very good, then you have to put underscores in the beginning and after it.


_your video is very nice_

your video is very nice

Similarly, you can use italic format in YouTube’s video description as well.

how to write in youtube strikethrough format

  • If you want to adopt strikethrough format while commenting on YouTube, then for this you have to follow some steps.
  • To comment strikethrough, you must first highlight your text.

After this, you have to use the dash symbol at the beginning and end of the written text.


-Your video is cool- If you write like this, you will get strikethrough. Which will later look like the text given below.

your video is cool You can adopt the same format in the description area as well. That is, overall you can use all the formats very easily. At the same time, we hope that these methods mentioned by us will improve the way you comment on YouTube.



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