Buying a car isn't just about paying the money. Along with this there is various paperwork and maintenance. One of which is to renew the pollution certificate every six months. Besides, there is pressure to pay insurance every year. Again, when the age of the vehicle reaches 15 years, the additional burden of renewing the registration certificate or RC (RC) comes on the shoulder. Currently RC can be renewed both online and offline. Let us know about the various documents and procedures required for this.
Any documents required for renewal of vehicle registration certificate
Original Registration Certificate, Form 25 (to be filled), Vehicle Insurance Certificate, PAN Card or Form 60 or Form 61 (as applicable), Pollution Under Control Certificate, Pencil Print of Vehicle Engine and Chassis Number, Fitness Certificate, Road Tax Payment Proof, Vehicle owner's signature proof, address proof, and identity card.
Procedure to renew registration certificate online
To renew vehicle registration certificate online, go to Paribahan Seva portal and select online service. Then select Vehicle Related Services. Then select your state. Next select the nearest RTO and click Next. Then select RC Related Services from the dropdown list and click on Renewal of Registration. All necessary documents such as vehicle registration number and chassis number should be provided here. Then click on verify details and next it worked.
Procedure to renew registration certificate offline
Visit the nearest RTO office to renew registration certificate offline. Go there and ask for RC renewal form. Fill the form completely and submit. But before submitting the form check if everything is filled properly. Then deposit the fee for RC renewal.
In case of RC renewal offline most of the time the car has to be taken. The officials there check the chassis and engine number of the car. After that, what you have entered in the form is checked to see if it is correct. If all goes well, a new RC is issued. It takes some time to get the new RC. But before that, don't forget to get the proof of the RC that you have renewed.