Motorola Edge 50 Pro was launched in India not too long ago. It has already been reported through various reports that Motorola is going to release this phone soon in various countries including the European Union (EU). And now the listing of Motorola Edge 50 Pro, which has gone live on Amazon’s website in Germany, has confirmed that speculation. From there, the launch date of the phone in the European Union has also been revealed.
Motorola Edge 50 Pro launch date in Europe
According to the Amazon Germany listing, the Motorola Edge 50 Pro will launch on April 16. The phone will be available in 12 GB RAM + 512 GB storage variant, which will be priced at 699 Euros (roughly Rs. 63,200). There the price of the phone in the Indian market starts from just Rs 31,999 (8 GB + 256 GB). And the top-end 12GB RAM + 256GB storage model is priced at Rs 35,999. Despite the variation in storage configuration, the specifications of the Motorola Edge 50 Pro global version are expected to be the same as in India.
Specifications of Motorola Edge 50 Pro
The Motorola Edge 50 Pro features a 6.7-inch curved P-OLED (POLED) display with a 144Hz refresh rate, HDR10+ support and 2,000 nits peak brightness. The device comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor, paired with 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. For power backup, it uses a 4,500mAh battery, which supports 125W TurboPower wired and 50W wireless charging.
For photography, the Motorola Edge 50 Pro features a 50-megapixel primary camera with optical image stabilization (OIS), a 10-megapixel telephoto lens and a 13-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens on the back. Besides, other notable features of the phone include IP68 rated water and dust resistant chassis, in-display fingerprint scanner, dual stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos, world’s first AI powered pro-grade camera, etc.