Realme is going to launch Realme 12 5G in the Indian market on March 6. It will come with Realme 12+ 5G. Ahead of the launch, the company has now confirmed that the Realme 12 5G will be the first handset to feature dynamic buttons. A new teaser released by Flipkart reveals that the Realme 12 5G’s power button can be used for custom actions like camera shutter, flashlight, silent mode, airplane mode, DND.
Realme 12 5G will have an action button
The Chinese brand is yet to reveal details about the Realme 12 5G’s Dynamic Button feature, but the teaser image suggests that it could be a feature similar to Apple’s Action Button. With the help of action button users can perform functions like camera, focus, flashlight, magnifier.
Let us know that Apple has introduced the action button in their iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max models. Realme’s Dynamic Button can be seen as an attempt to bring the exclusive feature of Apple’s Pro series to affordable mid-range segment smartphones. Generally, such features are on the wish list of many Android users.
Incidentally, Realme has also added design and features inspired by Apple iPhone to its devices. The company has launched several handsets with iPhone 14-style camera modules. Last year, Realme also introduced the Mini Capsule feature in several phones, including the Realme C55, mimicking Apple’s Dynamic Island. It is expected that more information about the Realme 12 5G will be revealed by the company before the launch event next week.