Popular TV maker and electronics company Kodak has recently expanded its Smart TV lineup by launching some new models in India. Newly launched smart TVs include CA Pro, 9XPro, under the Matrix QLED Series and several other different TVs. Now, the company has announced a tie-up with e-commerce platform Amazon India to offer discounts on its TV portfolio, allowing aspirants to buy new TVs at cheaper prices. In fact, the Prime Days Sale will start on July 15th, that is, just two days later on Amazon. And in this special sale, Kodak will have attractive offers on many TVs. In addition to the flat discount, customers will be able to save extra by using their ICICI and SBI cards. Now, let’s take a look at the discounts available on some Kodak Smart TVs in the upcoming Amazon Prime Days Sale.
These Kodak TVs will be offered in the two-day Amazon Sale
A minimum of Rs 6,299 will be required to buy Kodak TVs in the upcoming Amazon Prime Days sale. At that time, the company’s Rs 6,999 24HDX100S model will be available at this price. On the other hand, Kodak 32HDX7XPRO TV has been sold at Tk 9,499 instead of Tk 9,999, Kodak 32HDX900s model at Tk 7,499 instead of Tk 7,999, Kodak 42FHDX7XPRO model at Tk 15,999 instead of Tk 16,999 and Kodak 43FHDX7XPRO model has been reduced from Tk 17,499. 16,999 will match. In this case, to buy 43UHDX7XPROBL TV, you have to spend 19,999 rupees, which is already priced at 20,499 rupees. Again, in case of buying 55UHDX7XPROBL model, instead of 29,499 rupees, you have to spend 28,999 rupees. Similarly, the Kodak 50MT5011 model priced at Rs 32,999 will be available at Rs 31,999 and the 55MT5022 model priced at Rs 38,999 at Rs 35,999. On the other hand, the Kodak 65 5099 model will get a discount of Rs. This is not the end! Kodak 65MT5033 on sale will cost Rs 51,999, with a discount of Rs 6,000 on its MRP.
Specifications of Kodak Smart TV
Kodak currently offers QLED panel and LED panel TVs. They run on Google TV OS. And these TVs have many features like Dolby Atmos, Dolby Vision, HDR10+, DTS TruSurround etc.
Not only that, these TVs will also offer multiple profile options, in-built Chromecast and Google Assistant support. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, eARC, HDMI port and more. Most importantly, the TVs will provide access to almost all OTT and Google Play Store.