Ultraviolette F77 was launched as India’s fastest electric bike about a year and a half ago. And yesterday the company launched the new version of the electric bike Mach 2 with a bunch of exciting updates. The first 1,000 buyers can purchase the e-bike for Rs 2.99 lakh. On the other hand, the more technically advanced model, the Ultraviolette F77 Mach 2 Recon will cost Rs 3.99 lakh (ex-showroom).
Ultraviolette F77 Mach 2 debuts
The F77 Mach 2 features a 27 kW electric motor and a 7.1 kWh battery pack. And the Mach 2 Recon features a 30kW motor and a 10.3kWh battery pack. Discussions suggest that this e-bike is available in two variants – Mach 2 and Mach 2 Recon. Advance bookings have started right after the launch. For which it takes 5,000 rupees.
The Mach 2 and Mach 2 Recon are claimed to have a range of 211 km and 323 km respectively on a full charge (tested range). Ultraviolette Automotive said it will start delivery from May. Although the design of the bike remains the same, some subtle changes can be noticed. Like the charging port lid in aluminium, the rear monoshock in a different color and the front fork with new graphics. The Mach 2 is available in three versions – Stealth, Laser and Airstrike. Three color options are available in each version.
Notable features include F77 Mach 2 Dynamic Stability Control, Three Step Traction Control (can be switched off if needed), Hill Hold, Tire Pressure Monitoring, Display Theme, Charge Limit, On Board Navigation. Acceleration from 0-100 km/h takes 2.8 seconds. Its top speed is 155 km per hour. Peak torque is 100 Nm. The company is offering a warranty of 8,00,000 km/8 years (whichever is earlier) on this.