As the number of coronavirus patients is increasing at a rapid rate, many companies are providing their resources to help fight the pandemic. We have seen major companies like Google, Facebook and Apple come up with different ways to fight the pandemic. Now, popular fitness-tracker-maker company, Fitbit is working on a COVID-19 Fitness Tracker but it’s been tough to design an Algorithm to Detect Early Signs of COVID-19.
How to help Fitbit in making COVID-19 Fitness Tracker?
For people living in the US and Canada Fitbit has integrated the “Fitbit COVID-19 Study” in the Fitbit app. The company is inviting Fitbit users above 21 years who have had or currently have COVID-19 or any symptoms for infectious diseases to answer a few quick questions about their health.
Users can take a quick survey and also users can find the aforementioned “Study” in the Assessments & Reports section of the Discover tab in the Fitbit app and answer a few questions in the app. According to Fitbit, the questions will focus on three main points:
- Whether or not the user has or had or may have had flu or COVID-19
- whether or not the user is experiencing or experienced any symptoms
- some additional details about the user’s medical history and demographics.
The “Fitbit COVID-19 Study” aims to use the answers from the users with other health indicators from the Fitbit data to try and build an algorithm that can determine signs of COVID-19 even before the onset of the symptoms.
If you are a Fitbit user living in the US or Canada, I suggest you contribute your part by answering a few quick questions. Participation is not at all mandatory and users can opt-out any time they want but it might help creating a COVID-19 Fitness Tracker that might help to fight the pandemic to the whole world in the future.