India’s top local telecom operators Jio and Airtel launched 5G in the country a long time ago. However, state-run telecom operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited i.e. BSNL is yet to launch 4G network. But recently it has been reported that very soon the company is going to launch 4G in the city of Indore in Madhya Pradesh. The company has acquired 55 Made-in-India BTS stations to launch 4G. Also, 55 more BTS will be deployed in the city in future.
BSNL Advisory Committee member Ram Swaroop Mundra said that 55 BTS have already arrived in Indore city. And as reported by Free Space Journal, the second batch of BTS will arrive in the first week of March.
Tejas Network has developed the necessary telecom gears to launch BSNL 4G network across the country. And Tata Consultancy Services will act as the system integrator of the networks and will also be responsible for monitoring the networks for the next 9 years. Note that the BTS deployed by BSNL is upgradeable to 5G in future.
According to reports, BSNL’s BTS will be able to provide excellent coverage. Because, a single BTS can cover an area of ​​up to 5 km. Also, no BSNL employee has to climb the tower to change direction. Because it can be operated remotely.
BSNL has taken a long time to launch 4G services. Because the government has forced state-run telcos to launch 4G/5G only through indigenous technology. As a result BSNL became dependent on TCS-led C-DoT (Center for Development of Telematics) and Tejas Network for technology.