As usual, WhatsApp has once again introduced a new feature. Until now, to chat with someone or even send a short message to someone through this instant messaging platform, one had to save their mobile number. But this time the company itself is going to get rid of this problem. WhatsApp has recently introduced a new feature for Android and iOS users, with the help of which one can chat without saving someone’s mobile number; There will even be a calling option. Let’s find out how to use this feature.
In this way you can chat without saving the phone number on WhatsApp
1. If you want to chat on WhatsApp without saving someone’s mobile number, copy it first.
2. Then open the WhatsApp app and tap on the ‘New Chat’ option.
3. In this case, a search box will appear on the screen, where the copied mobile number should be entered.
4. In the next step you have to click on ‘Looking Outside Your Contact’.
5. This will open the chat option if the mobile number has a WhatsApp account available. From this new chat window you can message or call.
Computer can be logged in with mobile number
Until now, you had to use QR codes to login to WhatsApp on desktops and laptops. But now you can login WhatsApp with mobile number too – even if your mobile number doesn’t have internet.