Indian EV two-wheeler maker Jintendra EV has launched a new electric scooter. The company's latest model is called the Yunik and has been launched in the country for Rs 1.24 lakh. Deliveries will start from January 15. The scooter comes with a 3.8 KW LMFP removable battery that is claimed to run 118 km (certified range) on a full charge. Top speed is 75 km per hour.
Jintendra EV electric scooter launched in India
Jeetendra EV's unique electric scooter features include alloy wheels, 12 inch tubeless tires, side stand sensor, keyless start, USB charging port, smart digital LED instrument cluster, ChromeArc LED headlamp, LED headlamp, EagleVision LED blinker. Notably, this model features a Bluetooth connected battery that will alert the driver if the battery temperature rises.
Buyers will get multiple options in terms of accessories. The company is offering a smart helmet called Unicrown. It supports calls, music with Bluetooth connectivity. Also, rear passenger helmet holder, special bag for storage, and tool to push the scooter in case of puncture are available.
A three-year or 50,000 km warranty is being offered on both the new electric scooter and the battery. There are five color options – Meadow Green, Dusk Blue, Forest White, Volcano Red, and Eclipse Black. According to the company, the new model ensures comfort for both daily commutes and long journeys with 180 mm ground clearance and ergonomically designed seats.