Indian government is preparing to launch its own smartphone brand. Yes, the government is planning to create an Indian mobile brand within the next few years. Union IT and Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnab himself revealed this information at the launch of PhonePe’s Indus App Store. According to Vaishnav, the decision to create an Indian smartphone brand has been taken due to the huge success of the Make in India initiative in mobile manufacturing.
Currently, no Indian brand is as popular in the phone market as it is. It seems that the government wants to change this scenario. The premium segment of the Indian smartphone market is currently dominated by Samsung and Apple as well as Chinese companies.
Government to create smartphone ecosystem in India
Speaking at the event, Vaishnav said the success of local smartphone manufacturing has given us a lot of confidence. This has inspired us as well as outside companies to set up factories in this country. As a result, smartphone ecosystem will be created.
Micron plant is already under construction
Vaishnav also said that micron plants are already under construction in India and the government will approve two or three more to further strengthen the semiconductor ecosystem in the country. In fact the Indian government wants to set up at least three to four high volume fabrication plants in the next five years and at least to lead in this segment.